Tag Archives: Dessert

Three Years Later


So years ago, three actually, I ripped this recipe out of a magazine to save in my recipe book. Clearly, this was before I had ever met the totally addicting Pinterest! I kept this recipe with intent of making it for a friend’s birthday! I did not intend for it to take three years.

The wait, although unnecessary, may have been worth it!


Nutter Butter Banana Pudding Trifle! continue reading for recipe

Got to Love This!


I love the blog world. I love Pinterest. Negative comments have been made that Pinterest is a fantasy world and that people will never actually use what the pin. What?!? I beg to differ.


Yes it is bread. Blueberry bread nonetheless, but the party doesn’t stop there! This bread has avocado, zucchini and a banana in it, on top of the blueberries!! Oh, and it is pretty low in sugar too!! Best part? I have to give you two parts. It tastes fabulous and there is only 107 calories a slice! I was leery when I first made it because sometime I don’t feel like bread is exactly filling. Not this bread. In fact it is super dense and heavy. I had two pieces I was carrying and felt slightly guilty until I remembered what all was in it!




I followed the recipe for this recipe exactly as it was written, with the exception of the blueberries. I’m not sure what the actual serving size was for the carton of blueberries I have in the picture above but I threw them all in. I finished ever last piece of the first loaf (it was actually breakfast and lunch one day). Just made a second loaf yesterday.
My only recommendation is to make sure you cook it through. I had to adjust my rack in the oven because it was cooked nicely on the top but not quiet done on the inside. After moving it down it turned out perfect!


Please visit Peanut Butter and Peppers for this amazing recipe!



Ever have that feeling that someone is watching you?? Someone knows your every move? Even when you try to ignore it, before it is over, they are in you head?

I might have that problem.

Here is my evidence.

Exhibit A: The Pacer






This reminds me of a guard pacing in front of a prison door.

Exhibit B: Eye in the Sky






I took these photos over my shoulder. Everytime I tried to turn around to take their pictures, they would scatter.

This is the everyday behavior of my chickens. Clearly the white one is the most insane one and my best buddy. She keeps an eye on me all the time. The other bizarre thing about my chickens? All six use the same nesting box to lay their eggs. Literally one right after the other first thing in the morning.

I got to say, I love those nut bags.

It is only fair after all that chicken love that I share a vegetarian dish!


Watermelon Salad!!!
What a great way to fancy up watermelon! So I had no idea there was yellow watermelon until recently! I had bought a whole red watermelon and thought I bought two (ridiculously cheap) large containers of pineapple (that cheap should have been a clue…I know). Nope they were yellow watermelon chunks. Clearly I had to get creative to get though all that watermelon. Fortunately, I came across The Forest Feast and she gave me a great idea on how to make this salad.

Here is what I used:
Watermelon chunks
Olive oil
Sea salt

In a bowl combine fruit, cheese and basil and mint based on your preference. Drizzle with olive oil and honey and a little sprinkle of salt. Serve!
My creation was made completely on what I had available. I would check out The Forest Feast for a different version of this salad. Also just because her blog pretty much rocks.

Practice Run and a Promise



Did I get your attention? 🙂
I had promised some people I work with that if they helped me out with a project, I’d bake for our next meeting. They were wonderful, so now it is time to pay up!
Between you and I, it also gave me a chance to try out a cupcake idea for my daughter’s birthday!
I like to refer to these cupcakes as Strawberry Sundaes!
Want to know what the little something extra is in them?

Berry Burst Ice Cream Oreos!
For the record, I only made enough for the team and the family to try one out, that way I don’t eat a batch of them in a night! I did have a taste however, and they were exactly how I had hoped.
Yes, I’ll confess, I totally cut corners with this recipe. I used a strawberry flavored cake mix and icing from a can (it’s Tuesday and I worked all day, cut me some slack). For my favorite homemade icing recipe, click here.

So what do you need to make these?
Vanilla icing
Strawberry cake mix (any water, oil, eggs indicated on box)
Berry Burst Ice Cream Oreos
Cupcake liners

Super simple!
1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. In a cupcake tin, add cupcake liners and add an oreo to each cup.

3. Combine ingredients for cake batter as directed on box and fill cups with mix.

4. Bake for around 18-20 minutes or until cake is cooked through.
5. Once cupcakes are cooled completely, ice and add whopper.
6. Enjoy or resist! Whatever is your thing!!

Don’t forget, last entry for my giveaway is Thursday! Why wait till the first of the year to make one simple healthy change today!


Flew the Coop!!


This morning, we had a potentially disastrous situation on our hands. Turns out our chickens are getting agitated by the confines of their run so one of them literally flew the coop. What makes this a real poor decision on the chicken’s part is that our dog would like nothing better than to sink her teeth into them. Normally, we lock her up in the house when we let them out so there is no way they can actually cross paths.
So today, you can imagine the surprise and instant fear when we realized that one of the chickens were out in the yard with the dog.

read on

This IS MY Dinner


This week my love for chocolate was taking over! So when dinner time came around I settled on this:

Before you judge me, let me fill you in on a little secret….it is actually pretty healthy!! Yep that’s right heal-thy!
So let’s get right down to just what is in this!



Of course, I left something out of the first picture! I always drop a piece of ice too when I get it out of the fridge. Maybe my sub-conscience is OCD?

And one additiona ingredient that I wanted to give a shout out. PB2! If your watching your figure, you should give this a try! Or even if not!

Pb2 peanut butter rocks, and the chocolate is good too. If you try it and hate it, I’ll gladly take your leftovers :).

Ok, so here is what is in this dish:
1.5 cups mashed bananas (about 4 medium bananas should do)
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
4 TBSP PB2 (regular pb would be good too)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/3 cup brown sugar
2 cups almond milk (regular is fine too)
2.5 cups oats
** the sweetness in this dish is very mild, if you want it to be more of a dessert, I’d double the brown sugar or maybe try half stevia or even add chocolate chips**

1. Combine everything in a large bowl except almond milk and oats. Mix with hand mixer making sure cocoa isn’t lumpy.
2. Mix in almond milk.
3. Stir in oats with a spoon.
4. Pour mix into a sprayed pie dish. Don’t worry if it is pretty full, it won’t rise too much.
5. Add any topping to decorate top. I was going to add in coconut to top and forgot! AH!
6. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.


So pretty!!! I guess I should have read a little more closely when looking at the original recipe for this and I would have noticed that she said it wasn’t very sweet. I just couldn’t get past the pretty pictures! Topping it off with a bit of cool whip was good enough for me but if you want it sweeter add more sugar to the mix or serve with ice cream or even add a cream cheese frosting!!

Recipe adapted from Budget Bites!

Also I thought I’d share some random things I’ve been snacking on.


I’m actually trying out the noodles for my son because he only like ramen type noodles but I won’t buy him those because of the….well because they just are not great. I like this flavor for me but it was a little too spicy for him.
The kisses are totally for me! You hardly notice any bubbles and they seem just a substantial as regular kisses. The kick is that 11 kisses are only 200 calories. I typically have a bag full4-5 as an after dinner snack and it fills my sweet tooth!


20 Calorie Cookies?


Are you interested? I was, but I was leery too. Do you know how many times I’ve tested out low calorie or low carb cookies only to be disappointed? So there is good news, bad news and more good news to this post. 1. The taste is great. 2. You should be able to make 12 cookies with the batter for them to be twenty calories each. I ended up with eight and there was no way I could just eat one. 3. There is only 250 calories in the entire batch and their ingredients make them perfect for breakfast!!

The funny thing about these cookies is that these have my typical breakfast ingredients in them already, just manipulated a little differently!



So naturally I added about a tablespoon on butterscotch chips to the batter because butterscotch, oats and cinnamon are amazing together. Yes that does add more calories so decide for yourself if you want to add them in.


Here is what you’ll need:
one large banana, mashed
1/2 oats, this can be gluten free if you get GF oats, I believe Trader Joes carries GF oats.
1/4 tsp baking powder, select GF baking powder if needed for GF diet
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp vanilla
pinch of nutmeg
optional: butterscotch chips. Tip: chop chips in half, you’ll feel like you’re getting more and the will distribute better throughout you cookies.

1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. Add vanilla to mashed banana in a bowl. Stir in cinnamon, nutmeg and baking powder. Once well mixed add in chips.
3. Lightly fold oats into mix but do not over stir.
4. Drop batter onto sprayed cookie sheet and bake for 20-30 minutes. Mine were done in 20.



Original recipe from burpeesinthekitchen.com