Practice Run and a Promise



Did I get your attention? 🙂
I had promised some people I work with that if they helped me out with a project, I’d bake for our next meeting. They were wonderful, so now it is time to pay up!
Between you and I, it also gave me a chance to try out a cupcake idea for my daughter’s birthday!
I like to refer to these cupcakes as Strawberry Sundaes!
Want to know what the little something extra is in them?

Berry Burst Ice Cream Oreos!
For the record, I only made enough for the team and the family to try one out, that way I don’t eat a batch of them in a night! I did have a taste however, and they were exactly how I had hoped.
Yes, I’ll confess, I totally cut corners with this recipe. I used a strawberry flavored cake mix and icing from a can (it’s Tuesday and I worked all day, cut me some slack). For my favorite homemade icing recipe, click here.

So what do you need to make these?
Vanilla icing
Strawberry cake mix (any water, oil, eggs indicated on box)
Berry Burst Ice Cream Oreos
Cupcake liners

Super simple!
1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. In a cupcake tin, add cupcake liners and add an oreo to each cup.

3. Combine ingredients for cake batter as directed on box and fill cups with mix.

4. Bake for around 18-20 minutes or until cake is cooked through.
5. Once cupcakes are cooled completely, ice and add whopper.
6. Enjoy or resist! Whatever is your thing!!

Don’t forget, last entry for my giveaway is Thursday! Why wait till the first of the year to make one simple healthy change today!


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