Category Archives: Dieting

Mixed Berry Coconut Flour Pancakes


I’m not sure why I bought this coconut flour, but I’m glad I did. Typically, I pass up on recipes where coconut flour is the only flour used. A lot of people complain coconut flour leaves the goods a bit dry. I can tell you, that did not happen today!

Mixed Berry Coconut Flour Pancakes!
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Quinoa Stuffed Peppers



I know what you are going to say, it has been a long time! I’ve missed you too. Things have been so chaotic! No matter how busy I’ve been though, I keep thinking of all the recipes I want to share with you! I’m totally hooked on these stuffed peppers. I have enjoyed theses so much that I have bought more ingredients for these at back to back shopping trips. I even look forward to leftovers.

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A Winning Combination


I just signed up for a three month program at my gym that will focus on preparing me for a half marathon! Although I think I could do this on my own, I’m really excited to get out there with others who have the same goal. For me it isn’t even about “socializing” just their presence is motivating. It totally brings out the competitor in me. The program starts next month and is going to keep me busy for two nights (and one morning). So that dinners don’t become neglected, I’m going to have to really plan to have good “leftover” meals or crockpot meals. Some people hate leftovers but for me it is all about how much I really liked the dish the first time around. Hint: I really loved this dish the first time around…

Cajun Chicken Pasta! Normally, when pasta and creamy sauces are put together you get one heck of a calorie laden meal. Not with this recipe! A whole 11/2 cups of this pasta comes in at only 328 calories. Not bad! Also, I just love all the veggies packed into it!


I think the chicken is hiding in my pictures but don’t worry, there was just the right amount in each dish.

I followed the suggested recipe, however I added just a pinch of ground red pepper at the end just to make it a little more spicy! It was even a great leftovers meal for the next day which was great for today because my kids had a ton of homework and I needed to help them and not be busy cooking.

So do you have any favorite healthy leftover meals or crockpot meals? I’d love to hear about them!
The recipe for this yummy dish can be found at

Frothy on the Cheap!


So you didn’t get one of those fancy schmancy home coffee brewers for Christmas? No worries!! Let me introduce you to this little guy…

A milk frother (thanks Auntie M)! I picked this little guy up for $3.99 (I believe) at Ikea! So what can this little guy do exactly? Let me demonstrate it’s magic!



So what does this all mean exactly? Well let me show you!


Beautiful isn’t it?!? I found that lower fat milk seems to get more foamy than the higher fat. Let me know what your findings are! Also, I believe, I may be making another road trip to Ikea so for my hometown buddies, let me know if you want me to grab you one!
And now that you have the coffee shop drink, let’s pair it with a coffee shop sandwich shall we?

This sandwich just happens to take care of that pizza craving too!

I found this sandwich idea Pinterest! I just love banana peppers (I eat them straight out of the jar) so I topped my sandwich with them.

I cook mine open faced in the toaster oven and slap them together after the cheese starts getting melty.

Add a cup of soup and you have a happy lunch!
Original sandwich idea is from Green Lite Bites.

Back at it.


Well the New Year is here. Did you make a resolution? Have you kept it? I’ve really not been much of a resolution person in the past, but between the family being sick, being busy with the holidays, eating too much “comfort food,” I used the New Year to get back into my fitness routines.
These helped too…

This, although it is super beautiful, did not…

The good news is, my gym is pretty close so I can cruise on over there until it’s not so chilly! Also there is always sled riding for some physical activity!
If you play outside, be sure to make this dish for when you come back in. Spicy Chicken Stew!


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Stuffed Puffed Pastries


Yet another Christmas is coming to an end. Almost. We have one more get together this weekend. In my head I feel like things will settle down then, however we have New Years and my dad’s birthday before the festivities will actually be over. Long story short, I have all kinds of recipes to share with you right now!


These Avocado, Cream Cheese and Salsa Puffed Pastries were a hit! Next time I think I’ll let them cook a little longer, but I was so worried they would burn and I didn’t want to the the chance. I’m also interested in how they would be if you used wonton or egg roll wrappers in lieu of the puff pastry. If you try that out, let me know how they turn out.


I really liked how quickly these came together! I’ll be honest I just spooned the avocado, cream cheese and salsa onto each square without measuring. Whatever looked good seemed to work out just fine. The only thing I didn’t like was that my salsa was naturally a little too wet and leaked from a few of the pastries. Next time I think I’ll use my little mesh strainer or even a fork to add the salsa so it’s a little drier.



Aside from not measuring, I followed the original recipe pretty closely and it can be found here at Averie Cooks.

So if you celebrate Christmas, I hoped you enjoyed it! Here are a few picture of my favorite things.



The weather was terrible and we had to get a tree so this is our $20.00 purchase from Tractor Supply! Not bad huh? My kids decorated our cookies, clearly they love sprinkles. Also our Elf, George was a hit and will be missed very much.
Although I got loads of cool gifts, I’m happy to share that I got this…

Also I’m hoping that this gift will help with all the holiday indulging!

Do you have one of these gadgets? I haven’t used my Nike band yet but I’m hoping it is as neat as it looks!!

Protein Pumped Oatmeal


If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed that oatmeal is one of my favorite breakfast picks!

It’s hearty, sticks to your ribs, and fun to dress up. Nuts, nut butters, fruit, dried fruit, Biscoff, chocolate chips, they have all visited my bowl of oats at one time or another. But recently, my mad skills of oatmeal creation got a big ol’ slap in the face.
The can be made bigger, creamier and packed with protein.


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Short Cut


So how was your Thanksgiving? Mine was pretty fantastic and I think a new tradition was born.

Gobble, gobble! I got second place in my age group in the Thanksgiving 5k my town had! I actually felt pretty crappy during my run so I’m gunning for 1st next year! But really, what a great way to start the day before eating (too much) and laying around playing Words With Friends, stalking blogs I adore, and watching football!!
Today, I’m so proud of the recipe I have to share with you! With the holidays coming, I think this is a fantastic dish for a small get together! This dish will look like you spent hours in the kitchen, but with the short cuts I made, you’ll have a wonderful dish in no time!
Sometimes I’m just too busy, or too lazy to follow directions. So when I saw this chicken recipe on Pinterest, I knew I had to find a way to make something like it! So I did…


This chicken had amazing flavor! The puréed cauliflower complemented it well. Yes, that is cauliflower and not potatoes. This is a pretty healthy dish!




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Everytime I eat Brie I think of Seattle. The other day when I made this sandwich, I instantly was reminded of a sandwich I had while I was in Seattle. It was an apple and Brie panini. I don’t have a panini gadget, so instead of making a grilled sandwich, I decided to use a tortilla again.


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Sandwich Time!


Right now, it seems the only thing there is time to make and eat is a sandwich. And that may only get done standing up. As everyone else is getting ready for the Thanksgiving holiday, my husband and I (with the help of some friends and family) have about five different projects moving around our house all at the same time. I don’t anticipate that I’ll be able to get out there Black Friday, to experience the nostalgia and bliss of shopping for my little ones’ Christmas. You know…it is sort of like this…

And by the way, if you have failed to watch The Walking Dead, I say shame on you and encourage you to spend Black Friday watching the first two seasons. And you can shop via the internet and choose to put on real clothes or stay in your pjs. See? It’s a win-win! Although, I think some people feel this concept is acceptable anywhere anymore.
So what else has been going on?
First we got asked to take a hot tub off my parents hands at a very low price. They had bought it less than two years ago and hardly ever used it and were ready to get it off their deck. We had a really small older hot tub (that maybe had four jets in the entire tub). We use it all the time and knew that we would be fools to pass it up! We were even able to quickly sell our old one, which made it an even better decision. The new hot tub is massive and took eight men to move. Later four of us tried to scoot it a couple inches and it was impossible. Massive.


So project one: move tub, reinforce deck, and rewire electric to proper voltage.
The next project came last Saturday, my husband woke me up and told me there was sales on refrigerators that was too good to pass up. Within the hour, I was headed out with a latte in hand to make my purchase. I forgot to get a picture of the outside of it, it will be here Tuesday. But I did snap one of the inside. Sorry, I couldn’t completely open it because they had the fridges too close to each other.

Glorious!! My kids are so excited because I told them we could put there snacks in the bottom pull out drawer, that way they could reach them. In fact, I’ve never seen kids so stoked about a refrigerator.
Project two, purchase new fridge, make plans for delivery, move all of our existing food elsewhere and make a home for our old fridge (we are hanging onto it for our rental). Move food into new fridge.
The very next day from purchasing the fridge, we went to a house auction that had loads of high end household items. The auction was packed and things were selling way overpriced. I did however get this lovely chair, ottoman, and matching couch. For a fair price.

The chair and couch are huge which spurred several projects into motion at once.
Project three, move kids play room into a different room, create “man cave.”
Project four, paint both kids room and man cave, paint trim and ceiling, install new lighting.
Disaster one: man cave tv blew up! This tv was actually going to be move upstairs (we really only have one tv in our house at the time, you know the dead one…) in the living room so that I could watch The Walking Dead while my husband is watching football. Ahhhhhh!
So now project five: replace lamp in old tv, purchase man cave tv.
Project six: move around upstairs living room to accommodate tv after we get it repaired.
Project seven: restore the leather couch and chair. The furniture and leather itself are in great shape but the color in some places has faded. So far, from my research, I think that I am going to send in a sample to a company who will make me a balm to restore the color. Have you ever done this?? What was your experience?
Well that is the main projects right now!! I’m not in charge of Thanksgiving this year but I do have a fantastic recipe for making your turkey if you need one!!
But now, all I have time for is this:



Thank you Pinterest!!
Yes these sandwiches are different (although not really), I made them back to back but used a different colored pepper.

Here is all you need:
Adapted from: BS’ In The Kitchen
Roasted peppers (great TJ Maxx find!)
Goat cheese
Portabella mushrooms (I used 1 1/2 caps per sandwich, sliced)
Wrap (I used a Smart and Delicious wrap and really liked the flavor)
Olive oil in my Misto
Salt and pepper
1. Spray pan generously with olive oil. On medium heat add mushrooms, spray the top of the with oil and allow them to cook. Once they start to soften up, sprinkle with salt and pepper.

2. Remove cooked mushrooms from pan and set them aside. Add pepper if yours are cold so that they are nice and warm. Turn heat off. Wipe out pan carefully (don’t burn yourself!!) and add fresh olive oil. Add heat back and once oil is warm, add wrap. Top wit cheese and pepper and mushroom. Cook over medium. Once cheese starts warming, fold tortilla in half.
3. Put sandwich on a plate, cut and serve!!
