Protein Pumped Oatmeal


If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed that oatmeal is one of my favorite breakfast picks!

It’s hearty, sticks to your ribs, and fun to dress up. Nuts, nut butters, fruit, dried fruit, Biscoff, chocolate chips, they have all visited my bowl of oats at one time or another. But recently, my mad skills of oatmeal creation got a big ol’ slap in the face.
The can be made bigger, creamier and packed with protein.


My bowl that I used to make these oats is huge. Words alone cannot express that although this looks like a coffee mug, it is really made for a giant. So, I’m providing a visual.


There are six large eggs in that cup. Told you. Huge. If you are watching your diet, but hate feeling unsatisfied, dig in.
According to Andie at Can You Stay for Dinner, these oats come in at 300 calories. I knew she said they had protein but wasn’t sure how much. After scanning a few conversations on a body builder website, I did a quick calculation and came to 15-20+ (not totally specific I know, but good enough for me) grams of protein. Body builders may know more about eggs than anyone in the world! Also, it is actually entertaining to hear them talk about eggs and egg consumption. Love it!

I was so leery of adding eggs to my oatmeal. At first I also hated the idea of not using my beloved almond milk in my oats as well. I’m so glad I threw all of that out the door (not really, almond milk is still safe in my fridge!)!


A few things to mention: take your time cooking those oats and make sure your pan isn’t too hot when you stir in your eggs , you don’t want fried eggs! Yes, i am speaking from experience ;). Sometimes, when I know I want a touch of sweetness, I skip the butter and add a sprinkle of brown sugar!


I always add cinnamon, normally I stir it in with the eggs and vanilla. Today, I forgot so I added it to the top and stirred it up.
Please visit, Can You Stay for Dinner, to get the step by step recipe. Also, if you have never visited her blog you can thank me later. She is amazing!


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